Superior customer service depends on lot of factors, the first of which starts from You. Your body language, gestures and attitude can make or break a client even before you start communicating with them.
This article discusses on how to master the required skills and offer superior customer service.
In this growing world, the most pertinent question we ask in our business is – ‘Why would a customer purchase from us instead of our competitions’? It all narrows down to the most obvious statement - Treat well and Deliver. Superior customer service plays a pivotal role when it comes to winning a new customer or retaining the existing ones.
There might be reasons behind the fact that your customer comes back to you and buys your products or services, viz. cost effectiveness, easy availability or your expertise in that matter, but one of the major motivations would always be “customer service”. Every customer expects the best when he/she comes to the seller.
In order to augment your customer service skills, you need to attend trainings and webinars from experts at regular intervals. Even if you are experienced in the trade, it is still better to enhance competencies with new updates and knowledge. Following are the tips that you must consider.
Tip #1 - Smile
Wear a smile on your face irrespective of the fact you are tired, or you do not wish to meet the customer on your leave day or a holiday. Even a hint of unwillingness on your face might cost you losing the customer.
Tip #2 - Be Confident
A confident appearance matters a lot while selling your products or services, if you look positive and professional, half of your job is done.
"If you don't take care of your customers, your competitor will." – Bob Hooey, Professional Speaker
Tip #3 - Be Patient
Most of the time customers will call you with a confusion or a grievance.You should listen well, collect all the information and handle them correctly. Moreover, you also need to understand the customer’s preferences and choices while he / she is speaking, collecting half or incorrect information might place you in big trouble.
Tip #4 - Speak Well
While being a patient listener, you should also be able to communicate properly. “Communication” as always said is a 2-way process, as you listen properly and collect information, it is equally important that you make your customer understand your message. It would be wise to speak in the language your customer is well versed with.
Tip #5 - Body Language
Understanding body language is an art. Most of the non-verbal communication is transferred through body language.Your standing and sitting postures should complement your message you are trying to deliver to your customers.“What you say” and “How you say” will have the least effect if your body language is not at par. Let’s say, you are a great listener and well-groomed, but while communicating with a customer you are standing with folded hands or a closed posture, it would be enough to create a confusion in your customer’s mind or make them feel that you are not willing to make any communication.
Tip #6 - Product Knowledge
Customer interaction is full of surprises; the customer might ask you questions which may not be in your sales script. It is always better to know and understand the features and benefits of the product well in advance. The customer gains more trust on you as you handle these surprise questions effectively.
Tip #7 - Eye Contact
Let’s discuss a fun fact. On an average we speak 150 -160 words in a minute while a human brain can gather 350-400 words in a minute. That implies, if we don’t make a proper eye contact with the person we are communicating, there will always be a huge scope that your customer will get distracted easily.
Tip #8 - Enjoy Your Job
If you consider your job as a routine task only and not something which you enjoy doing, it will be well-noticed by your customer. Interact with your customers more in order to understand their needs and resolve their issues with compassion. The more you generate delighted customers, the more you will love your job.
Wrapping up
Superior customer service increases customer loyalty. Once the customers are loyal to your product / brand, they will refer you to others. You must keep in mind that you need to maintain and upgrade your standards as you serve more people. And if you do that successfully your brand will be known for superior customer service. Also do not forget to attend regular training sessions to upgrade your skills.